Commercial Facilities We Clean & maintain

Discover Safer, Eco-friendly, and Long-lasting Cleanliness

Soft washing is a more gentle and effective cleaning method for buildings compared to pressure washing. It is safer, eco-friendly, and provides longer-lasting results, making it a preferred choice for building owners who want to keep their properties clean and well-maintained.

  • Gentle & safe: Soft washing minimizes damage to delicate surfaces, making it safer for buildings.
  • Lasting results: Soft washing eliminates bacteria, algae, and fungi for longer-lasting cleanliness.
  • Safety priority: Soft washing reduces pressure to ensure operator and bystander safety.
  • Eco-friendly: Soft washing conserves water, uses biodegradable chemicals, and is environmentally friendly.
  • Enhanced effectiveness: Soft washing effectively removes stains and dirt, even from hard-to-reach areas.

Experience the Powerful Soft Washing

Soft washing is the only cleaning protocol that both kills and removes living algae spores, while protecting treated surfaces against new growth. Soft washing is so effective, in fact, that the cleaning results from one soft washing treatment last up to 4 – 6 x longer than those reached through pressure washing alone…so you clean about every 4-5 years, instead of every 9months! It is also worth noting that, because we kill 100% of the bacteria that we treat, the health ramifications for a commercial site with even moderate foot traffic going in and out can be considerable.

Want a cleaner, safer, and longer-lasting exterior?